Student Experience at College of San Mateo
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Student Experience
Courtney Oliver
Courtney Oliver San Diego State University, Business Administration

I decided to attend CSM because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to major in, and financially CSM was a better option for me.  CSM provided me with the resources that I needed to be successful. The staff made it easy for me to figure out what major I wanted to study and motivated me to do well so I could transfer to a school of my choice.

The Learning Center and Counseling Services were extremely helpful. The Learning Center had tutors for the subjects I struggled in and they helped prepare me for some difficult exams. The online resources, such as degree works and the GPA calculator, in conjunction with help from my counselor as well as Mike Mitchell in transfer services, helped me plan what steps I needed to take to obtain my associate degree and transfer to a 4-year university.

I would tell other students that CSM can be a stepping-stone to achieving your goals. It has an atmosphere that makes you want to learn and succeed while being surrounded by motivated students and amazing teachers. Also, getting involved in clubs, student government and fitness classes are great ways to maximize your experience at CSM. CSM is a great place for anyone and everyone.